Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Newsletter 2017



36 members attended the 2017 Re-union:  Sister Anne Marie Crowley, Tessa Harrison (Reeves), Jean Tennant (Atkin), Rona McKechnie (Penrose), Susan Lynch (Jagger), Anne French (Nicholls), Jacinta Dudding (Speight), Jean McGill (Lewington), Margaret Devonshire, Sue Skitt (Ross), Angela Normandale (Hawkswell), Christine Hayes (Scott), Paula Boyes (Kilner), Marilyn Douglas (Crossfield), Jane Cockerill (Leather), Mary Outhwaite (Maplesden), Sheila Jenkinson, Barbara Hudghton (Marshall), Ann Reed (Baxter), Jenny Toogood (Holt), Rosie Palmer (Holt), Pauline Randall (Holt), Sue Christie (Wood), Susan Cowburn (Read), Marjorie Hawkins (Marshall), Christine Whitehead (Wilkes), Sandra Lee (Scruton), Pat Smithson (Hutchcroft), Pat Richardson (Flather), Margaret Good (Hood), Val Lakin (Johnstone), Liz Greenwell (Wilkes), Pam Shaw Johnston (Shaw), Judith Atkinson (Botterill), Liz Fenby (Dyson), Johanna Albin.  We were also pleased to welcome Sue Skitt’s daughter, Lauren, and Jean Tennant’s friend, Pat.

The following people were unable to be at the Reunion but sent their best wishes:  Ruth Simpson (Atkinson) Sheila Pearce (Allan);  Susan Richardson;  Clare Smith;  June Marriott (Lovell);  Lynda Perkins (Smith);  Pam Barrett (Heath);  Anne Geraghty (Moore);  Valerie Swallow (Steer);  Elaine Andrews (Akroyd);  Pat Collier;  Charlotte Gledhill (Link);  Monica Richardson;  Josephine Goss (Hutchinson);

Mary Norman (Beardsley) would have loved to be with us but she says as she lives in the Isles of Scilly it is just too difficult and expensive to get to Filey.  It’s Mary’s youngest daughter’s Silver Wedding in July and the family are all meeting up in St Mawes, which is a lot easier to get to without too much trouble. For the third year running she went to Barbados for Christmas and New Year which, Mary says, was such fun.  ‘Father Christmas comes on his motor bike – all dressed up properly in the proper outfit, which must be terribly hot while we await him in flimsy sarongs’.  She hopes we have a wonderful weekend meeting with all the ‘Old Girls’, will think of us all, and says she does look at her photographs sometimes for a bit of nostalgia.

From Greer Montgomery:  ‘Unfortunately I will not be able to attend this annual event. I hope you all have a great time and the Old Girls are enjoying life and having plenty of fun. Wishing you a great weekend.’

From Val Hewins (nee Mortimer)  ‘Sorry I will be unable to attend, as I have already booked golf at Breadsall Priory;  I will be thinking of you all.’ 

From Sheila Lupton (Plews):  ‘Just to let you know I will not be attending the re-union once again.  I am expecting to move house at any time within the next fortnight.  Please give my apologies and my regards to anyone who remembers me way back between 1945 and 1949.  At the moment I am staying with my son which so far has been for 3 months.  The downsize has appeared to take forever having sold my house very quickly.’

Jennifer Carr (nee Stockdill) wrote:   ‘Thank you for sending me the Re-union invitation, I left it as late as I could to reply, in case I could make it. But as usual it is near my husband’s birthday (actually the 23rd) so we now have plans for that weekend.  I do hope you all have a lovely weekend and look forward to receiving the news letter in due course.’

Sally Brown (nee Wilson) wrote:  ‘Sadly I think that I will have to miss the Re-union this year, I have my two young Grandchildren on the Thursday and Friday before the weekend, followed by a meeting up at Scotch Corner on the Saturday rushing back for my Granddaughter’s birthday tea, so by Sunday I think that a one hundred and twenty mile round trip to Filey will be tiring especially as I have the Grandchildren on the Monday due to a teachers training day.  I do hope that you all have a lovely time and send my best wishes to all who remember me.’

Dawn Fixter (Howell) wrote:  ‘Just a quickie to wish you a "Happy Reunion" at the week-end.  I hope that the sun keeps shining even if it is very cold !’  Dawn said that she had hoped to pop in to see everyone but unfortunately she would not be able to come as the Chemotherapy she is undergoing is taking up all her time these days and several side effects have now taken hold.  Best wishes, Dawn, from all your friends, and many thanks for your persistence and hard work in finding out how to set up the blog and post things on the internet for us.

Sister Monica regrets not being able to come to the Reunion;  she hopes all goes well with the meetings and meal, and says we will be in her thoughts and prayers, as we all are each day.  She is still living at Holywood House in Manchester, with Sister Angela and Sister Anne Marie and Sister Pauline, who all spent time in Filey.  She works now at the Alexian Brothers care house.  She sends her love to everyone.

Jennifer Simpson (Milner) is recovering from illness and is not able to join us;  she sends her best wishes for a good reunion.

Pauline Barber (Evans) is unable to attend;  she sends love to everyone she remembers.  Pauline was in the year with Sandra Scruton and Charlotte Link as a day pupil and travelled on the Bridlington bus with the likes of the Roden twins, Cherry and Paddy and Susan Hartley.  ‘Happy days’, she says!

I’m sorry to report that the following Old Girls have died.  Their names will be entered in the Book of Remembrance for deceased members, Sisters and teachers which is kept in St Mary’s Church, Filey, and Johanna Albin turns the pages each week and lights a candle;   Mass is also  said for them on the Sunday of the Re-union each year,   Theona Harrop (Edwards) died on 12th May 2016;   Susan Aridor (Addis) died in September 2016;  Vivienne Carr (teacher) died on 18th September 2016;   Sylvia Crowther died in September 2016; Patricia Haxby died in August 2016.   Molly Shepherd (Law) died on 9th January 2017.  Molly’s daughter Mary wrote that Molly had been doing well, but over Christmas and New Year she became weaker and was refusing to eat.  She wasn’t in pain and died peacefully in the care home where she had been for two and a half years.  Her funeral took place on 23rd January.  Mary said it was a pity she didn’t make it to 100.  Her ashes were scattered in the garden of St Mary’s Church, Filey.  Father Smith carried out a simple but lovely service. It was Molly’s wish to have her ashes scattered there, and shows how much her days in Filey meant to her.

Diana Freeborn (Majdalaney) can’t attend,  and hopes we all have a wonderful weekend, sends good wishes to the Sisters and anyone else who remembers her and looks forward to the newsletter.  Last August she fell backwards down an escalator in St Pancras Station.  It left her severely battered and bruised and traumatised, but she’s lived to tell the tale.  Diana says she keeps pretty busy and is very blessed in her friends.

Eunice Moore (Waring) wishes us all a wonderful time full of fun and very happy memories – she sends very best wishes to all and hopes the sun shines all weekend!
Sister Mary Angela is unable to be with us as she will be at home for her great-niece and nephew’s confirmation.  She hopes everything goes well and sends love to all.
Pam Jones (Winship) sent her best wishes and wrote:  “Thank you so much for the information about the next Old Girls’ Reunion.  I am afraid that I am just about at the end of these events.  I have just had a knee replacement but the main point is that on Easter Monday I shall be 90 years old.  That seems a long time since my first meeting as the Old Girls’ Secretary.  The knee operation has of course held me up but I do want to keep in touch with the Association!  I hope that all goes well for the weekend”.
Barbara Bateman (Bleasdale) was at school 1943-1949;  She wrote:  “It makes me shudder when I remember how many years the organisation has been going.  I managed to come in the early days and was there for the first reunion.  As time progressed doing my physiotherapy training in Bath – meeting my husband to be, marrying and having the family, Filey seemed to be a million miles away.  I certainly applaud those of you who have kept things going.  Who would have imagined in the late 40s that the Convent would have gone and all the Sisters left.  I do keep in contact with Pat Collier and Eunice Moore (Waring).  I was so sad to read in the last Newsletter of all those senior girls in my day that had passed on.  I am a ‘computer peasant’ and consequently still write and communicate with a pen – not quite a quill one!!  Have a wonderful reunion, lots of laughter and “do you remember” and the icing on the cake, lots of brilliant sunshine.”
Pamela Shaw Johnston (Shaw) sent the following notes for the Newsletter:  “The ‘FOGIES’ (myself, Judith Powell, Jacky Willis, Louise Pinkney, Pat Brown, Maureen Megginson and Lesley Percival) still meet regularly for lunch at each other’s homes.  In March we went to Edinburgh on a city break to celebrate our mutual 70th birthdays.  It’s lovely to share such occasions with life-long friends!  On a personal front, my younger son, Simon, and I have appeared on two TV shows, yet to be “aired”.  The first, “Masterpiece” on Channel 4, and recently we were contestants on “Bargain Hunt” for BBC2.  It was great fun and a lovely experience, especially as I was able to share it with my son.  I still have my charity work and two voluntary jobs and in my ‘spare’ time I love singing, gardening and my camper van.”
Susan Leedham has been having health problems that affect her balance;  she has been in Hull Royal Infirmary several times and has spent several months in respite care in a Bridlington Care Home; Susan says she has improved ‘somewhat’ and hopes to be able to attend next year’s Reunion.  She sends good wishes to all in Filey.
Sandra Gardner (Mortimer) hopes we have a wonderful weekend.  She lost her husband last year and is not settled yet.  Her eldest son and family are coming to live at the farm and she is having a barn converted for her own accommodation.  Sandra hopes we have a wonderful weekend.
Pamela Stephenson (Temple)  has had to decide not to come this year, as since she broke her hip she is finding it difficult to walk any distance.  Luckily she can drive, but driving both ways on the day would be too exhausting.  Pam hopes that the weather is good for us – she loves Filey, but especially when the sun shines!

Bunty (Vera) Collicott (Jeffery) wrote from the Isle of Wight:  “It has been a very traumatic year for both my sister Wendy and myself, each of us having had falls.  Old age of course, but physio can work wonders!  Unfortunately I’ve outlived my school friends, but am still in contact with three of my old “Shipmates” from my Wren days.  Wendy, who had to finish in the Kindergarten when our family moved south in 1945, visited the Convent about 10 years ago when on holiday in the area with her late husband, and said the only part of the building inside which she remembered was the Gym!  Wendy and I will be thinking of you all on that particular weekend, wishing we were there in ‘our’ lovely garden, enjoying the view and basking in sunshine.  My garden is at present also very warm and sunny and a treat to look out on.  Have a lovely weekend and God bless you all.”
Rosalie Maddy (Askew) sent her good wishes and wrote:  “Unfortunately I am unable to attend.  I just wish I lived closer to Filey.  I envy those who do!  Please give my good wishes to everyone and I hope you have an enjoyable reunion with sunny weather.  Make the most of those views!  I have recently returned from Switzerland where my granddaughter had her first birthday.  She is beginning to respond to both Swiss German and English and repeating words in both languages.  My other grandchild, Louise’s little boy, is now 2 years old and very chatty.  We are very lucky to live just a few miles away.  I continue to be very busy with ecumenical commitments as Secretary of Churches Together in Porthcawl as well as taking services in the Bridgend Methodist/URC United area.  I am also still in the Cowbridge am dram.  My latest part was the old lady in J M Barrie’s ‘The Old Lady Shows Her Medals’, which we put on for the Royal British Legion last November.  For that part I had to adopt a Scottish accent – it took some doing especially as my own accent is a cross between Yorkshire and Welsh!”

Thanks to everyone who wrote and sent items for this Newsletter.

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