following members attend the Reunion: Johanna Albin; Susan Aridor
(Addis); Judith Atkinson (Botterill); Paula Boyes (Kilner); Jane
Cockerill (Leather); Elizabeth Conolly-Smith (Nicholls); Susan
Cowburn (Read); Sister Anne Marie Crowley; Margaret Devonshire;
Marilyn Douglas (Crossfield); Jacinta Dudding (Speight); Angela
Elliott (Banks); Liz Fenby (Dyson); Dawn Fixter (Howell); Charlotte
Gledhill (Link); Margaret Good (Hood); Tessa Harrison (Reeves);
Marjorie Hawkins (Marshall); Barbara Hudghton (Marshall); Val Lakin
(Johnstone); Susan Leedham; Jean McGill (Lewington); Rona McKechnie
(Penrose); Sister Monica McWiggin; Angela Normandale (Hawkswell);
Ann Reed (Baxter); Pat Richardson (Flather); Susan Richardson; Tina
Sell (Harris); Pamela Shaw-Johnston (Shaw); Pat Smithson
(Hutchcroft); Pamela Stephenson (Temple); Christine Whitehead
following members who were unable to attend sent their best wishes
for a lovely weekend: Diana Freeborn (Majdalaney); Susan Lynch
(Jagger); Monica Richardson; Ruth Jopling; Pauline Barber
(Evans); Jennifer Simpson (Milner); Clare Smith; Sandra Lee
(Scruton); Sandra Gardner (Mortimer); Sheila Jenkinson; June Marriott
(Lovel); Sue Christie (Wood); Jean Tennant (Atkin);
duparc (Barnard)
Tanis says she would love to come to the reunion, but she doesn’t
go very far these days, is afraid she’s too old! With best wishes
for a happy day..
Gibson (Clubley)
Isn’t able to attend, but wishes everyone well and will be
thinking of us all. She says that Jimmy and her are both well,
she had a hip replacement and is doing really well. It is
marvellous what they can do these days. Jimmy is still clear of
the cancer which is great. She sends her best to all her old
Barrett (Heath) Thank
you very much for the invitation to the 2016 reunion, once again I am
not able to travel to Filey this year, but hope you all have a
fantastic time , I will be thinking about you. Please remember me to
anyone who remembers me!!
the best.
Durrans (Crees) - Very much regrets
that she will not be able to join us as she will be in Australia
attending her youngest niece’s wedding. She says, please give my
good wishes to all who remember me, and I hope you all have a
wonderful reunion.
Shepherd (Law). Molly’s
daughter, Mary wrote: “ I am writing on behalf of my mum.
As you know she is unable to attend the re-unions now but I
will give you an update for those who remember her! She is now 98
and celebrates her next birthday in October. She is still
living in a care home in Newcastle upon Tyne close to my sister and
brother. I try to visit her every fortnight from here in East
Yorkshire. She is very frail, but quite content and does
not suffer any pain or discomfort. Her memory is fading but I
will take your letter up to her and see how much she remembers, I am
going on Saturday. Regards to all the Old Girls!!! and enjoy your
weekend. .Best wishes Mary and Molly”.
Goss (Hutchinson) wrote: Regrettably,
I will have to give my apologies as it is simply logistically
impossible for me to get there. Please give my best wishes to
everyone and I hope you have a lovely day. With warmest best wishes.
Lupton (Plews) As
usual I will not be at the Re-Union but please remember me to anyone
who still remembers me!! I am at the same address
and enjoy getting the Newsletter each year. I must say I don’t
know all the names I read about these days but it is interesting to
hear the news. Just for information I have two daughters and a
son, now all in their 50’s and 6 grandchildren. I was
divorced in 1977. The girls live in the south so I am up and
down to see them and my son lives locally. I have stopped
playing golf and walking these days much to my annoyance but
otherwise in reasonable health playing quite a lot of bridge and
getting out and about.
Montgomery (Garton) wrote:
Thank you very much for sending the information about the Annual
Re-union the weekend of 2nd/3rd April 2016. Unfortunately I have
other commitments that weekend but I wish you a happy weekend, good
food and lots of fun with old friends. Please pass on my very best
wishes to all who remember me. For many years, even though I sent
on 'new addresses' the newsletters went to the wrong home. They have
managed to catch up with me. The pigeons must be fitted with
Satnav!!!! Now with email I will be able to read update news about
the Old Girls. Jean and I keep in touch and Clare Smith sends a
Christmas card otherwise schooldays are a distant memory. Have a
great weekend. Best wishes
McGill (Lewington)
has been having an exciting time – she was chosen through a WI
ballot to attend a Garden Party at Buckingham Palace. Jean says:
Four local members went by coach for the day. 5000 WI members
attended, dressed in their finery. It was quite breezy and the
pollen made us sneeze! Four Royals were there, the Duchess
of Cornwall , Sophie Wessex, Princess Alexandra & the Duchess of
Gloucester, all very "eye catching" and chatting to
members. Refreshments were dainty & delicious and yes, we had
cucumber sandwiches! Even went back for more.!!
real privilege to be there. Time to find our coach but first a
photo call with a friendly police man (see Jean’s photographs on
the website). My added joy was seeing my son at a service station on
the way back. He was on his way to London I was on my way back .We
had no idea we would meet but he saw all the ladies getting off the
coach and thought ‘My Mum will be on that.’!!! Jean wonders if
any other Old Girls had the opportunity to attend?
She has also been on a trip to Iceland recently and says it was
amazing, she loved it!
sorry to report that three Old Girls died this year:
Passingham (Walker) I had a message
from Fiona’s
son to say that his mother had passed away.
= Valerie
Swallow (Steer) wrote
to let us know that Shirley
died. Valerie wrote that she will not be attending any future
meetings but will be thinking of us all.
Hughes (Taylor)
died on 16th January 2016.
Rosalie Maddy (Askew)
wrote that she was deeply saddened by Susan’s death. She went to
her funeral in Harpole (Northants), the village where Susan lived,
and said it was a very sad and moving occasion. Susan and Rosalie
were in the same class throughout their time in Filey Convent –
Rosalie started in the Kindergarten in 1951 and Susan joined two
years later. They were in the same Sunday School and Rosalie can
remember Susan coming up to her and saying “You go to the Convent
school, don’t you? I’m joining your class”. They were about
six at the time!
Swiss daughter-in-law was expecting her baby around the time of the
Reunion, so Rosalie and her husband and family were going to
Switzerland the week after the baby was due. She sent her love and
best wishes to all the Sisters and Old Girls, and hoped we have a
lovely weekend – she would be thinking of us.
Pat Hicklenton (Townsley) wrote: ‘It is with great regret that I can no longer make the journey to Filey. Sally (Wilkinson) and I have so enjoyed these gatherings, our time at the Convent during the War years was a very happy experience. The past fifteen years or thereabouts we have met up with friends old and new and it has been a highlight in our “social calendar” !! I shall look forward to reading the Newsletter when it becomes available, and in the meantime I send my very good wishes to you all, and I hope the sun shines !!’
Pat Hicklenton (Townsley) wrote: ‘It is with great regret that I can no longer make the journey to Filey. Sally (Wilkinson) and I have so enjoyed these gatherings, our time at the Convent during the War years was a very happy experience. The past fifteen years or thereabouts we have met up with friends old and new and it has been a highlight in our “social calendar” !! I shall look forward to reading the Newsletter when it becomes available, and in the meantime I send my very good wishes to you all, and I hope the sun shines !!’
Dale – Message
from Tony Gash in Cleethorpes: ‘Having seen about your Reunion in
this month’s SAGA I was wondering if you know of an old girl whose
maiden name was Janet Dale. She used to live in Hunmanby, as did I,
and she used to attend the Convent in the late 1940's /early 50's If
you know of her could you please let me know her name now and maybe
her email address, or give her mine and let her decide if she wants
to make contact.’
Carr (nee Stockdill) wrote
‘I will not be attending as on that date I will be in India with my
husband, celebrating our Golden Wedding Anniversary. I hope you
all have a great weekend.’
French (Nicholls) – unable to
attend this year as she will be travelling for five months in the
USA. (Many thanks to Anne and her husband for keeping the website up
to date; hope you have a great holiday).
Moore (Waring) – It’s still too
far away for Eunice to travel to Filey for the Reunion, but she says
she loves reading the report and news of the ‘Old Girls’,
especially those at school in 1943-49. She is still in touch with
Pat Collier, Barbara Bateman (Bleasdale) and Monica Richardson, and
her cousins Winefride Boyle (Stone) and Margaret Sintes (Stone). She
sends best wishes to all, and hopes we have a wonderful weekend.
Norman (Beardsley)
says she will be on the high seas on the way up to the Arctic Circle,
hopefully to see the Northern Lights. However, she will be thinking
of us and hopes we have a lovely weekend. She often gets out her old
photo album and the memories come flooding back of her school days at
the Convent, which were so happy. Mary had three weeks in Madeira in
October with friends who have a time share there. As she used to
spend three months a year there when her husband was alive it was
nice to catch up with the many friends they made over the years. At
Christmas she was lucky enough to be taken to Barbados by her
daughter and son in law; grandchildren and son in law’s parents
went too, so it was a lovely family gathering in the sun. She still
keeps in touch at Christmas with Tessa Harrison (Reeves), Clare
Westmacott (Scheerer) and Anne Fulera (Windebank) who lives in Spain,
which she says is pretty good after 60 odd years!
Outwaite (Maplesden)
– is sorry she is unable to attend the Reunion this year as she
will be at a wedding that weekend - she loves to meet everyone and
catch up on all the news. She sends her love and best wishes and
says that it is wonderful that we still have an active association
(Vera) Collicott – wrote a lovely
long letter in September last year, catching up on all her news -
She says that the past 2½ years have been really traumatic, having
been widowed in 2013. However, despite becoming bionic thrice over,
and learning to live alone, she’s fine and as J M Barrie said “God
gave us memories that we may have roses in December”.
(Those of us who have heard the speech that Sister Clare gave when
she announced that she was leaving Filey will remember that these are
the same words that she quoted then).
says that she had been watching a series on the TV about the blitz on
our cities in WWII, the time she spent most of her childhood at the
Convent. She moved from Bridlington to Hunmanby when war broke out,
as Hull was being heavily bombed and as the Spitfires chased them
away they emptied their surplus before fleeing. She can remember
clearly being in the Odeon Cinema with another friend aged 10, when
the planes tried to sink HMS Bridlington, which was in the harbour
nearby. Ironically the film was “San Francisco” and at the exact
time of the earthquake the bombs fell. At first everyone thought it
was the film but then panic set in, and if it hadn’t been for a
young matelot from the ship, who had come ashore, standing on his
seat and shouting “Sit down -?-?-? (words we had never heard!!!!),
two young 10 year olds would have been trampled underfoot!
Fortunately the ship was not hit, but I remember my mother was
frantic with worry, as it was the first time she had allowed me to go
out alone! Three more years of many more scares, and nights spent in
our Anderson shelter in the garden, and my ‘little’ sister,
Wendy, joined me in the Convent Kindergarten for a few months. At
16, near the end of the War, she contracted meningitis and the
Sisters and the whole school kept her in their prayers. She had been
in the middle of her School Certificate exams, so missed them and
shortly afterwards Wendy almost died with pneumonia. This was when
her parents decided the climate was too cold, and they moved south.
She joined the Wrens as an M/T Driver and married a naval man and
Wendy became a teacher and before retiring had nearly 30 years at a
primary school as Head Teacher. Neither of them has been blessed
with children, and now, both widowed, they see each other as often as
they can. They are both still driving, but time is creeping on for
Bunty at nearing 88 years. She lives on the Isle of Wight and says
that life on the island is like the England she remembers just before
the War. (Thank you so much, Bunty,
for your fascinating reminiscences, , I’m sure other Old Girls will
find it as interesting as I did).
Bateman (Bleasdale) – wrote that
there are still quite a few members that she remembers. She only
wishes she could join us; when she received the invitation her
immediate reaction was “if only”. She is still in touch with
Eunice Moore (Waring), and Pat Collier. Johanna Albin she remembers
well, and the Albin family and shop. She says that Sister Clare used
to accompany them to the Albin shop to purchase their sweets, which
in the late 40s were obtained only with sweet ration coupons. She
has only happy memories of her days at the Convent and remembers them
so well. She sends her regards to anybody that remembers her. She
is sure we will all have a splendid weekend and prays the sun shines
on us all.
Collier – is very sorry she won’t
be able to come to the reunion, but it is rather a long way now for
her to travel from Cornwall. She is still fit and well, which she
appreciates when she sees what others are going through. Sadly she
doesn’t have her dog any more but she still makes herself go out
for walks in the pleasant rural countryside, although it is no match
for the lovely North Yorks Moors or the Lake District. Pat will be
thinking of us all on the day and sends her best wishes.
Jones (Winship) – says that once
again she will not be able to be there as it is the day that she
meets up with her grandsons before they return to Sheffield
University. She says that it is amazing to think that the Old Girls’
Association is still flourishing after all these years. Pam was the
Secretary/Treasurer when it was started with the first meeting, many,
many years ago, and she sends all her best wishes and hope we have a
great meeting. She is going to have another knee operation shortly –
best wishes for a speedy recover from that, Pam.
Hayes (Scott)
– is so disappointed not to be able to be with us. It is her
partner’s 80th
birthday that weekend and his daughters said to keep that weekend
free; she didn’t associate it with the Old Girls’ weekend –
obviously Easter is very early this year. She is sure it will be a
lovely family ‘get-together’, but will miss her annual trip to
Filey. Christine has sent some photos to be published on the
website, and says it’s amazing what you find in one of those ‘old
age sorting out’ expeditions! She sends her love to everyone and
hopes we have a fabulous day.
Carr – I had a message from
Vivienne’s brother, Gerald, to say that Vivienne is now living in a
care home.
Brown (Wilson)
been suffering from a back problem and has just started a session of
exercises for it at the Hydrotherapy pool at Harrogate hospital, and
under the circumstances a round trip of a hundred and thirty miles
would be perhaps not advisable. She hopes we all have a lovely
day/weekend, and will be thinking of us.
Ogilvie (Powell) wrote: Sadly I
won't be able to attend as needed for grandchildren duty but I live
in hope of getting there another time. I have moved house since last
year and unfortunately lost my Mother at age 95. My
grandchildren are growing up fast and life is very full. I do
hope everyone enjoys the weekend and send my best wishes.
Tezcan (Greenwood)
got in touch by email – she and her sister Paula,
who was injured in a car accident in 1972, would like to contact
friends they were at school with around 1958-66 ish.
Leedham would
like to get in touch with Jacqueline
Shaw Johnston (Shaw) wrote
that she is very busy with voluntary work at the local library in
West Ayton, the National Trust, the Woodland Trust and
helps with Riding for the Disabled. She recently joined a choir and
is enjoying their many performances – the next one being in Filey
in May! She is also kept busy in her village with concerts, a poetry
group, the Gardening Club etc., and in her ‘spare’ time she helps
fundraise for three charities (who said retirement was relaxing!?).
Pam now has two small grandchildren, Ava and Dylan, and is thrilled
to be a Granny (despite still feeling 25!). She sadly lost her last
five relatives in 2015 – all the more reason to live what’s left
of life to the full! She would love to hear from schoolmates and
still meet with the ‘Fogies’, five of her classmates, for lunch
every few months, and says it’s great to get together.
heard some good news in May about Margaret
Devonshire: Margaret
has been on kidney dialysis for some time now, waiting for a kidney
transplant, and I’m pleased to say that she has now had the
transplant, and is doing well. I’m sure you’ll all join me in
sending our good wishes for a speedy recovery.
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