Newsletter from Peru

Dear Friends,

The earley learning centre (arco iris) has 60 pupils this year and our other  projects such as the homework club and the comedor "Perrine Thulard" are all going well.

We can hardly believe that we are here 13 years now. The time has flown, but our enthusiasm for the work is still there.

In the early learning centre we have parents who want and value a good education for their children. With their help we have made a new playground for them and at this moment the parents are putting up an awning to protect them from the sun.

Students from the university La Cantuta are helping the children with their homework  during the month of November and are offering too, talks to the parents on various topics. All these activities are well attended.

Our yearly outing with the chidren and their parents are very much appreciated and this year we went to an Interactive theme park where the children could experience being firemen/women doctore pilots etc. All enjoyed the experience.

The spiritual side of our mission here is bearing much fruit with good attendance at the Eucharistic celebration and the Liturgies. The month of October ,novenas to Señor de Los Milagros(lord of the miracles). We visit 9 houses in our area and at each there is about 30 people there to take part in the devotion. On Saturday the 29 Oct we had a torch light procession with people carrying the image of Señor de Los miracles. It was like being in Lourdes!

November too 10 children will receive the Eucharist for the first time. The preparation for this sacrament is 9 months with input each week for the parents and children.

Each year we try to do a special project to help to improve the life of the people. Examples of some projects, bunk beds for the children, mattresses for the parents, chest of drawers for their clothes (this year) sheets for beds, galvanised sheets for the roofs. All these projects are sponsored by donations with the people adding their contribution.

So life is El Valle is busy but very rewarding.

Thanks to each one of you who support our mission here. Your donations are put to good use.

So as we near the end of the school year here we send you our greetings for a happy Christmas. May the Christ child pour out his blessings on you and your families.

Con mucho cariño a todos/as.

Jacinta and Marie
Nov 2016.

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