Reunion report 2016

Website address: May 2016

Dear ‘Old Girl’

I am pleased to send you this report of the 67th Reunion held in April 2016. Since then I’ve had visits from family, looking after a grandchild followed by being away on holiday – but the visitors have gone, the grandchild is back at school and we’re back home, so here goes!

Easter was very early this year, but we just about managed to avoid the showers which were forecast. Our visit to Bella Italia on Saturday evening was most enjoyable, eight of us met together, had delicious meals (I think we all had something different) and caught up on our news.

On Sunday morning Sister Anne Marie Crowley (President), Sister Monica McWiggin (Sister Veronica’s niece) and about 40 members met at the Evron Centre for coffee in what used to be the Convent art room, with it’s beautiful views over the bay; it’s so nice we can still meet at the Convent, it does feel like coming home! I’m always so pleased to see the tree is still on the front lawn, with its circular seat where so many of us remember sitting with friends – the seat may be new but the old tree is still the same and I wonder how many schoolgirl secrets have been whispered under it!

The AGM opened with the hymn ‘Come Holy Ghost’ and Tessa Harrison (Reeves) (Chairman) welcomed everyone to the 67th Reunion, especially Sister Anne Marie and Sister Monica. She said it was always lovely to see the Sisters each year, and it was a special occasion to meet up with old friends and welcome new ones. Tessa hoped we would have a wonderful time and enjoy the day ahead.

Jane Cockerill (Leather) (Minutes Secretary) read the minutes of the AGM 2015 which were agreed and signed as a true record, and Tessa thanked Jane for keeping the minutes of the AGM and meetings, as well as making a record of the News of the Sisters, which follows this letter.

Ann Reed (Baxter) (Secretary) gave the Secretary’s report, and thanked everyone for their letters and news, generous donations and stamps, also Marilyn Douglas and her husband for continuing to supply paper and envelopes for the letters sent out. She also thanked Anne French and her husband, Paul, for setting up the FCOGA website; she said she hoped everyone who had access to the internet would have a look at it as Anne and Paul had worked very hard on it. The Reunion invitation and Newsletter were put on the website, and where Old Girls give permission, their news and photos were included. (Since the Reunion Dawn Fixter (Howell) has kindly volunteered to take over as Anne and Paul French are away on an extended visit to the USA; Dawn has set up a separate blogsite ( and has suggested having a section called ‘Memories’ where she could publish Old Girls’ memories of school – good, bad, funny, sad. So, if you feel you could put pen to paper ) or post them to me at the above address if you prefer.

Phil Armitage, the Manager of the Evron Centre, is keen to produce a collage of photographs of the school, the nuns, former pupils and an explanation as to the history of the building, to be displayed in the entrance foyer of the Evron Centre. Pam Shaw-Johnston (Shaw) has been helping with this, but if anyone who lives locally and has some computer skills is willing to help, please get in touch.

Jane Cockerill’s (Leather) husband, Michael, has tried to clean up the commemorative plaque which is fixed to the outside of the Convent; unfortunately some of the lettering is badly faded. Jane was asked to thank Michael for what he had done, and it was decided that the Committee would look into having the plaque replaced. (Michael has done some more work on the plaque since the Reunion and has made a very good job of restoring the paintwork – please have a look if you’re in Filey).

Johanna Albin was thanked for looking after the Book of Remembrance for deceased members; Johanna turns the pages each week and lights a candle for deceased members, nuns and former lay teachers.

Susan Christie (Wood) (Treasurer) was unfortunately unable to be with us, so Margaret Devonshire read the Treasurer’s Report on her behalf. We started the year with £676.00 in the bank, and after all income and expenses during the year, we ended with £689.81.

The 68th Reunion in 2017 will as always take place the weekend after Easter; the Reunion will therefore be over the weekend of 22nd/23rd April 2017 (don’t forget to make a note in your diary!); it was agreed once again to leave the arrangements to the Committee.

The whole Committee came to the end of their terms of office; as they were all willing to continue on the Committee, it was agreed unanimously that they be re-elected en bloc for a further three years.

Sister Anne Marie Crowley and Sister Monica McWiggin gave news of the Sisters and the meeting closed at 1pm. We all then made our way to Filey Golf Club, where we enjoyed a delicious lunch.

I hope you enjoy catching up with the following news about the Sisters, and reading the Newsletter.

Yours sincerely

Ann Reed (Baxter)

Sister Anne Marie Crowley and Sister Monica gave news of the sisters and the congregations.
Sister Anne Marie reported Mother Superior has contacted lupus disease and was now in a care home; there has been some improvement in her condition but would not be able to go back to work. Therefore Sister Claire (Sister John whilst at Filey), the Regional Superior, has taken over more responsibility and has co-opted the Secretary General to work with her and help out at this difficult time. Sister Claire is very efficient and speaks fluent French and English in a Geordie accent.
Sister was happy to report no deaths had occurred in the community during the past year although everyone is getting older.
She said there were 150 sisters in the order but all are on the older side. There are no sisters working in schools now but the sisters still instruct children in the catechism.
Sister Theresa is Chaplain in a centre for cancer patients.
Sister Angela and Sister Mary Joseph sent their apologies for not being at the reunion but send their love. Filey is the only place still having an Old Girls Association within the order and so all the nuns are very interested in us.
Sister reported a grand nephew of Sister Claire Horan is in the Irish Government.
The African sisters are now independent of the order but are working in a very dangerous place especially the Ivory Coast. Sister Catherine has been there for 28 years and is being persuaded to come home to rest and recuperate.
There are two of our sisters in Peru with one sister from Canada. They are preparing the people to carry on their mission work so that they are ready when the sisters eventually leave.
Sister Anne Marie is based in Stockport and Sister Monica is in Manchester where Sister Pauline and Sister Irene are also and they send their love and have never forgotten the Convent at Filey.

Sister Anne Marie and Sister Monica were thanked for giving us news of our dear sisters.

1 comment:

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